I'm trying to get better at posting recipes for you because I'm always telling you to eat real food but sometimes knowing where to start is hard. So, here's my go-to breakfast recipe. I honestly eat this in some form 90%+ of my days.
I know I call it breakfast (breaking the fast or first meal of the day) but that doesn't mean it needs to contain things we normally think are for "breakfast": cereal, pancakes, toast, etc. As breakfast foods, those are junk. Your first meal of the day should contain loads of quality proteins and fats to set your hormones up optimally for the day. No 10:00am or 2:00pm crashes. And, as always, lots of veggies!
1/4 c diced sweet potatoes or yams
1/4 c diced onions
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1/4 c diced Brussels sprouts or green peppers
1/4 c diced mushrooms
2 strips of quality bacon (Harvest Moon, McDonald Farms, Food Ethos Farm)
1 serving quality breakfast sausage (again, I order this from the above farmers) but you could also use ground meat (Frigs Natural Meats is also a good option and worth the trip)
1 T coconut oil (or butter, ghee, lard)
2 eggs (optional)
In a pan on the stove over medium heat, cook up your bacon while you are chopping your veggies. Once bacon is done, take it out and add the veggies and coconut oil. Saute it up until the veggies start to brown. Add your breakfast sausage or ground meat at this point, if you are using it. Now you have a few options. You can crack the eggs into the veggies and scramble it all together, you can remove all of the veggies and cook the eggs in the pan and serve them over easy on the veggies or you can simply leave the eggs out. It's all up to you. Don't forget to chop up the bacon and add it, if you haven't already eaten it all, like I usually do!
This recipe is part of my course, Breakfast of Champions. Find it on YouTube for FREE here!