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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 9, 20243 min read
6 Reasons Your Baby Needs Probiotics
If you're having a baby or already had one, chances are you want to do as many things as you can to ensure they are as healthy as...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Nov 8, 20224 min read
6 Ways to Eat More Collagen
By now you've probably heard someone talking about how important collagen is. Although I knew it was important and ate it occasionally,...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Oct 25, 20212 min read
RECIPE ROUND UP: My Favorite Meatballs
Meatballs are such a great way to easily punch up the protein in your diet. Most of us need that! Once they are prepped, you just have to...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Oct 8, 20213 min read
Want to see changes but don't want to change your diet? Here are 9 options for you.
I am a full on advocate for improving your diet. For most of us, great changes can be made. Our diet and food culture has changed...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Oct 4, 20212 min read
RECIPE ROUND UP: My Favorite Soups
Fall always seems like an appropriate time for soup, but I really love it all year round. It's one of my favorite ways to get bone broth...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jun 30, 20213 min read
These Two Diet Changes will Transform Your Health
You probably think I'm going to tell you to go gluten or dairy free. Maybe even keto or paleo. But, I'm not. I think there's a first,...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jun 9, 20213 min read
Are Electrolytes Right for Me?
"I drink a lot of water but I'm still having muscle cramps!" "My muscles are sore no matter how much I stretch." Can you relate to either...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Apr 26, 20212 min read
Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken
This recipe is so stellar for a variety of reasons. First, it's really easy. Like most slow cooler recipes, you dump all of the...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Dec 15, 20201 min read
Breakfast of Champions
I originally filmed this workshop to add to my Well Fed Kitchen series on Skillshare, but they removed it because it violated their...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Nov 6, 20205 min read
Supplements That Changed My Life
There's an argument to be made on the efficacy on vitamins. I've even written on it before. And I will wholeheartedly advocate for a...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Sep 28, 20202 min read
30 Day Breakfast Challenge
I've written on the importance of breakfast before. Now I'm going to challenge you to 30 days of high quality (with a focus on high...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 12, 20202 min read
Paleo Chili
Someone mentioned to me that they were making chili for supper. All I could think was, "Shoot, I want chili for supper!". I haven't made...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Oct 9, 20191 min read
Slow Cooker Barbacoa
From Wikipedia: Barbacoa is a form of cooking meat that originated in the Caribbean with the Taíno people, from which the term "barbecue"...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Aug 13, 20193 min read
5 Excellent Foods to Eat During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such an incredible process. You are literally growing another human being. Like all things, having quality raw materials can...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jul 10, 20197 min read
Guest Post: 6 Fertility Tips Every Couple Should Know
Beth reached out to me when she moved back to Winnipeg for the summer asking why I didn't have any information on fertility on my...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Mar 13, 20192 min read
My version of a healthy meal
I recognize that not everyone realizes just how much their food choices affect their physical and mental health. Chances are, if you are...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Feb 23, 20193 min read
Why I love red meat
When I start digging into my patient's diet, the most common response I get when they mention what they don't eat is red meat. I always...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 26, 20194 min read
What your weight says about you
One of the most common reasons I find that people want to change their diet is because of their weight. They often have this number stuck...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 23, 20192 min read
Animal Protein vs Plant Protein
Just as the names imply, animal protein is protein that comes from animals and plant protein is protein that comes from plants. Protein...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 23, 20193 min read
All about Insulin
Every time you eat, your body releases a cascade of hormones in response. One of them is insulin. It is produced by your pancreas in...
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